Friday, February 27, 2015

Assignment 5 for 3 units (Elaborating on 2 select patents)

In this post I will select two specific patents from a previous post and go more indepth in the analysis. I will target anticipation for one of the patents and obviousness for another. I will also be analyzing each patent's Claim #1.


Temperature-indicating sleeve and related container

I thought this invention was great because it took what we had before (which are insulating sleeves that protect users from the hot/cold contents in the beverage) and took it to the next level. What I mean is that with the insulating sleeve being great for the grip and all, the next step is to know whether the hot/cold drinks could damage our tongue or inside of our mouth.
That's where the temperature indicator comes into play, because now that we have our outer variables controlled and safe, we want to make sure that the contents don't damage our mouths. It is a great invention that has built up from other inventions.
The claim in this invention says that the invention is a container body with a known insulating factor, a detachable sleeve with a known insulating factor, and a temperature indicator that is able to indicate the temperature or a range of temperatures to the user.


Protective sleeve

I thought this invention was rather obvious in my opinion because it only slightly changes from the insulating sleeves that were previously patented and made. This one focuses on the design of the sleeve, specifically the arch. I do agree that the arch was a great idea and that it definitely saved on sheet material, but I also think that any regular manufacturer of previous sleeves could have seen this and made the design changes themselves.
As opposed to the patent I talk about above, this one is more obvious to me and requires less engineering/prior knowledge. Nevertheless, I'm glad it's here because the reduction in material must be tremendous.
The claims focus on the geometry and design of the sleeve. The claims mainly talk about the design and then it goes into manufacturing of the sleeves, mainly on the material and methods for manufacturing.


  1. Hi Michael,

    First off, I really like how you separate each by anticipation and obviousness - it makes it so clear as to which elements you're looking to analyze in each part. With your descriptions, I think you're dead-on and hit the most critical points in both the temp sleeve and the arched sleeve. Nice job!

  2. Hi Michael, great post! I like how in-depth you went in regards to each individual element of both anticipation and obviousness. One tip might be to space out the formatting a little more so the text is easier to read. However, overall, great blog post.

  3. I agree with what both Jessica and Nate said, you did a great job. I do think a few diagrams or images would have been nice.
