Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 13: collaborative social media #2

In the last blogpost, I focused on blogposts and Twitter. This time, I want to comment on our YouTube work.

We had weekly YouTube videos relating to our blogposts. I thought this was a very creative combination because I used blogposts to gather my thoughts for the week and do the research but I used YouTube to build upon my blogposts. It was a place where after I have written down so much about a certain topic in the blogpost, I was able to get more creative and share more of my personal opinions. And just the nature of making videos on YouTube really enforced my learning because it was a different type of learning, one that I have never had experience with.

I used to have trouble with public speaking but after making weekly videos, I feel I have definitely gotten better at impromptu and public speaking. And in addition, we were also assigned to watch other's videos and comment on them. This idea of shared learning on YouTube was extremely effective for me. I learned a lot from watching other's videos because I paid attention to not only their content, but also the way they speak and present the video. YouTube comments were also a great way to share our thoughts with our classmates.

Overall, I thought YouTube was a very creative way to learn. I definitely reenforced my learning from class topics through the videos, but I also gained public speaking skills. And again, this social media platform was simply great for classmates to share ideas with each other and give each other feedback.


  1. I completely agree in your claims about using YouTube to overcome the fear of public speaking. What I specifically like about your post was that you talked about using the videos to build on your blog posts. In my opinion, the YouTube videos were a way to almost teach others about all the work you had just completed. For me, teaching others is the best way to learn and YouTube really was beneficial in doing so. Great work!

  2. I think you make great points here about the youtube posts. I agree that the blog posts were very useful for collecting and organing my thoughts, but the Youtube was much better for actually discussing the concepts more in depth. I also liked how the Youtube was very casual and gave you a chance to really make it your own.
