Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 13: collaborative social media #1

As the semester comes to an end, I am concluding my blogpost series with a reflection upon this entire semester. This class has been very different from my other classes because all assignments and homeworks are completed online through social media. We have weekly blogposts in this bloggger website, videos on YouTube, and tweets on Twitter.

I want to focus on blogposts for now. I thought this idea was quite effective because first of all, Tal made sure we felt that the blogpost was our own. What I mean by that is, we were able to customize it and really personalize it. As a result, I took my blogposts more seriously because it reflected upon who I am and my experiences in this class. Weekly blogposts made it really easy to consolidate my ideas and learnings of each week. The topics of each blogpost ranged every week. Some weeks were summaries and personal opinions on class PowerPoint presentations, and others were compilations of online research on a certain topic. Blogposts definitely helped me retain the knowledge because I spent time researching the material before compiling and writing it into a blogpost. And in addition to all this, it really promoted shared learning because we all had access to each other's blogposts and were able to comment on each other's writings.

Twitter was also a cool addition we had in the middle of the semester. It enforced the idea of shared learning because we were all able to read each other's tweets, which were usually quick opinions on class topics or interesting articles found online.

In this blogpost I focused on blogposts and tweets. I found these two platforms of social media not only helped me learn and retain knowledge better, but also encouraged heavy communication between classmates that further enhanced the learning experience.


  1. Hi Michael, the difference between this class and other classes made it an interesting class to take. It was my first time completing all the assignments online. I agree that blog posts are quite effective because I felt a closer connection with my blog post than with an assignment that I turn into the professor. I like that you mentioned the blog posts reflected who you are. I definitely see different personalities and styles when I read blog posts from different people. It’s quite interesting that great work can be accomplished in many different styles. Sometimes, I get convinced that a certain topic should be written in bullet points and then reading the next blog convinced me that narrative structure could work too. I agree Twitter was really cool to have, especially for the instant messaging that we did during the TedTalk watching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Great post. I really like how you talked about us being able to customize our blog posts. I think this a large reason that this class is so differentiated from other classes here at Berkeley. This whole class is about each of us customizing our learning experiences and seeing others learning styles and take aways from the lessons to learn in a completeley different style.
