Friday, January 30, 2015

Top 10 Inventions

I chose the following 10 inventions because they represented a huge leap in their industry. These inventions had a technical insight that revolutionized its field and pushed humans to new boundaries. The inventions are ordered chronologically.

1. Airplane
Airplanes have changed the way we travelled for hundreds of years. It was a huge leap forward in the transportation field. Truly gave meaning to "we live in a small world". -1903

2. Rocket
Rockets allowed us to explore outside Earth's boundaries. It allowed us to reach the moon, and maybe one day, Mars. We should always shoot for the stars. -1926

3. Digital Camera
Digital camera was a huge leap in the camera industry. This invention proved that even the incumbent giant Kodak couldn't survive. -1975

4. 3D Printer
3D printing changed the world of manufacturing. Although this invention has only picked up in the recent years, it poses a huge threat to existing manufacturing technologies. -1984

5. Personal computer
Personal computers revolutionized the computer industry. It paved a way for the world we live in today. Additionally, Apple's focus on customer experience also has shown its value and companies today operate under similar standards. -1984

6. Mac / Windows OS
Macintosh and Windows helped bring personal computing into common public use. With the rise of personal computing, Apple and Microsoft had to develop a system that users can easily interact with. -1985

7. Internet
The Internet brought the world together in a different way the airplanes did. It allowed for information across the globe to be distributed and accessed. As we move into the Internet of Things, more and more things in our lives will be connected to this invention. -1989

8. Tesla Electric Car
Although electric cars existed before Tesla, Tesla pushed the bounds of this industry. It transformed our preconception about electric cars. Its charging stations are a great example of how electric cars can be a great move forward from traditional gasoline automobiles. -2003

9. iPhone
iPhones really pushed for a complete touch screen interface, which has since changed the entire technology industry to focus more on touch gestures. It completely disrupted the industry that incumbent phone companies like Nokia and Motorola were comfortable in. -2007

10. Google
Although Google itself is a company, it represents a company that is extremely forward thinking. Its search engine made the Internet a searchable space and transformed the way we interact with it. Its new projects under development like Project Loon and self-driving cars will also be huge forward leaps in their respective fields. -1998


  1. One more idea for rockets is that they changed warfare. This ballistic missile technology can kill people very remotely with bombs such as nuclear and hydrogen ones.

  2. Hi! Thank you for choosing inventions that revolutionized its field and pushed humans to new boundaries. I agree that airplanes, 3D printing, and Internet completely changed the way we live life. I too chose those inventions. The airplane has revolutionized the way we travel from place to place. It has allowed people and goods to travel great distances, which were impossible before. Airplanes have allowed businesses to go international and improved job opportunities. It has also improved trading between countries, making it easier and faster. Airplanes have greatly contributed to the spread of culture, religion, ideas, and education. 3D printing is also very important. Using multiple materials, 3D printing is allowing sets to create things that were impossible before. Now biological tissue with blood vessels can be created, which could even lead to artificial organs in the future. I completely agree with your choice of those. It was interesting that you chose Mac/Windows OS, Tesla Electric Car, and Google. All of these more recent inventions have significantly impacted the modern society. I am glad you brought up these newer, and more relevant inventions. Thank you for your insight!

  3. Great post, Michael! I really liked that you added the date that these inventions were introduced and set them up chronologically. Such a simple way of organizing it, but this is the first post I've seen it put this way and I really like it! I really like your addition of the 3D printer, but I think you can go more into detail about it. It might be a bit too early, but I would love to know what parts of the scientific and technological fields you think the 3D printer will affect. I come from a molecular cell biology and medicine background, and so I'm sure I'd have some different predictions on the use of the 3D printer than you would and I'd love to compare :)

  4. I really liked the focus your list has on the high-tech inventions that are shaping our world today. I especially liked your pick for the rocket, which was indeed crucial in our exploration of space. As a suggestion, maybe you could consider technological advancements that may not be as high-tech but still crucial and revolutionary in our world and daily lives.

  5. Nice picks Michael! I have some of them on my list. I would have never thought of the rocket to be revolutionary, since personally I've never been affected by it. But you're right, without the rocket, our view on the world we live may be completely different.

  6. Hey Michael! Really enjoyed your video and saw that we have a lot of the same inventions on our list. I realized that a lot of your top ten inventions were very recent and don't really date back that far. I think that it was cool that you had a lot of inventions that revolutionized the tech field: 3D printers, Internet, Personal Computers, etc. I thought the 3D printer aspect was really cool and something that I didn't think about.

  7. Hi Michael,

    I found it really interesting you chose to use Google and Tesla, two corporate companies, as inventions. Was something I haven't seen before in any other blog. Both I agree represent large advances in technology. The only concern I would have is what aspect do you often choose, company culture, patents, R&D, founder. Google for example has numerous technological advancements, which could create a top 10 list all on its own.

  8. I think its pretty cool how you have a new technology theme to all your inventions. I think you did a good of compiling all the top recent advancements. I do believe however, there are some features that can be added to this collection that would acknowledge some older contributions such as irrigation.

  9. Hi Michael, great job on the post! I liked how you took a different approach than many others and included top innovations that will have great impact into the future, such as 3D printing and the Macintosh operating system. Perhaps one suggestion for next time would be to include 1-2 images in the post to break up the chunks of text. However, overall, I really enjoyed reading the post.
